
Tuesday, December 31, 2013


We are having a BOY!!!

I know it has been FOR...EVER since I have blogged! Time is just flying by! I can't believe he will be here in just a few short months.

Brian was in a course when Caryn's 20 week appointment was. That is the appointment that they are able to try to see the sex of the baby. He was not going to be able to get the time off to be there. As a military family, we are used to him missing some of the big things, but it is so tough when he is not GONE (Deployment, field training, etc) and still can't be there for something. We were accepting, though sad.
Caryn surprised us though! She got together with our friends and family and they put together enough money for us to go to a 3D Ultrasound in the evening so Brian could be there when we found out! It was the night before the one at the Naval hospital. It was so amazing to watch him. I am sure many of you have been to one of these places by now, but it is this HUGE screen that he was projected on. He was so active, too! It was perfect! He is perfect! He was not shy at all about showing us he is a boy.

He has the sweetest little face! Almost looks like he is smiling in that middle one.

And look at those LEGS!!! And sorry if it is inappropriate, but he has got the cutest little booty! Haha!!!

We were/are so grateful for that gift of the ultrasound. It was so great to be able to find out together. And we even get to go again when our little boy is a little bigger.... cuter!?!?

Caryn and I went the next day to the appointment at Naval, and it made me even more grateful for the 3D one the night before. The appointment is to check that baby has all his parts and is measuring on track, so it is a lot more "clinical"-- measurements, and stuff. But still cool to see!

 There's those LEGS again!!!
 Cute little profile shot!

 All these pictures were at 20 Weeks. Nov. 19th and 20th. Today, December 31st, 2013, we are officially at 26 Weeks! According to one of my apps, he is now 14 1/2 inches long and weighs about 2 lbs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so excited and so happy for the two of you! He is a perfect and adorable little baby and will be here and in your arms before you know it! <3 This will be the greatest experience of your lives, and you are doing so well with getting everything together :) Im ecstatic for you guys, and can't wait to see pictures of that gorgeous baby boy!
Caryn is such an amazing woman, she cares so much for her loved ones, that she would carry for you <3 You are so lucky to have her in your life, not everyone finds a friend as amazing as her!