
Saturday, December 1, 2012


All the build up over the last year is HERE!

Deployment has started. We had a window of time, but we didn't get official word about the time, until less than 48 hours before. I always try to make the last couple of days as perfect as possible. Making a couple special meals, have the house pretty cleaned up with just his gear as clutter. We did have a nice dinner at home, but it wasn't nearly the "perfect" dinner I had planned. Just many things that don't matter. I finally just stopped. We just relaxed and watched a movie for a bit. The house was a mess, and I didn't do my hair and nails, I didn't have the snacks I wanted to send with him, I didn't get to write the notes that I wanted to add in his bags. However, we had a wonderful day! That was the important part.

As you may know by now, it is time for the transfer!!! Holy Cow!! I can't even believe we are here! We have had so many moments that we questioned if we were really going to be able to make it. But God has made it happen! We definitely couldn't have done it without those of you that have been following our story, praying, helping, and donating. There is no way we will be able to fully show our gratefulness. We will continue our thanks, and we will cherish our family beyond belief! Thank you all again!

Caryn and I will heading to Arizona on Monday afternoon. She has been doing great with the medications. Even the oil injection that she was really worried about. She has gotten some advice from friends that have done it before. I'm so glad it isn't as bad as she expected! 

Tuesday at 1:30pm Mountain Time we will be at the clinic for the transfer!  Sad Brian can't be here for this, but they are able to record the microscopic placement of the embryos, so at least he can see that. They just told Caryn not to exert herself too much over the couple days after the transfer. We will stay Tuesday night, and drive back on Wednesday. This week is when we need EVERY prayer we can get! This is what every step has been heading toward. I am so excited! I am also scared. This is the end of this road. We have 2 embryos with 1 opportunity. If they attach, we will be parents. If they don't.... we will have a whole new fork in the road we will have to chose. But, POSITIVE THOUGHTS!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Della and I have our fingers crossed and are praying all goes well. love you guys.