
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Two Week Wait

In just a few short LONG hours, we will have an answer! This has been the most excruciating 2 weeks of my life! Thank God it isn't really a full 2 weeks before we can do the blood test! But first of all, I can not believe it has not even been 2 weeks since Brian left on deployment! It seems like forever! And it has been just over a week since Caryn and I returned from Arizona for the transfer! Again, it seems like forever!

I know Caryn has been in so much pain, and so uncomfortable. I am sooo happy to have our blogs and that she is so open about everything. I feel guilty every time I hear about any pain, inconvenience, or uncomfortableness (<<< Is that a word?). I know this is going to be an issue throughout the whole pregnancy. When I hear something, I don't know whether to say "I'm sorry" or "Thank you" or what. But I want her to be able to talk to me (or blog) about those things.

We will also have to work together to find that balance of helping and annoyance. Haha! I keep wanting to help and be protective. Partially to protect the babies, but also to just help her be comfortable. We have talked about this a little, but I suspect it will be something that we will just have to continuously be open with each other about.

I have been fairly positive throughout this whole time.... well, mostly I have just been watching Netflix non-stop so that my brain doesn't start thinking about stuff. Yesterday (Wednesday) was the first day that I have officially been freaking out. I keep thinking that we have been so overconfident. What if we are about to come to a sharp turn in our life path? What if what we have been planning is not what God has in store for us. This is our only shot on this path. Of course, this is when I start crying, and then I decide what I should do next off my "todo" list so that I can stop thinking about it.

No matter what happens today, thank you ALL for all your thoughts, prayers and support! This has already been such an AMAZING journey and we hope we will be sharing with you for a long time to come!
Watch my or Caryn's facebook status' today for the earliest results! Eeeeekkkkk!!!! I can't believe it!! 

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