
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Contract (late posting)

Just found this in my "Drafts"! Should have posted November 20th.

So today we finalize our contract. This is a formality for courts when we have to file for maternity/paternity rights. Because whoever gives birth is the "mother" that goes on the birth certificate. This way, it is easier with the hospital and legal system. PLUS.... I believe that contracts are so important even in personal situations such as this, where you think "why would we need that?"

The basics are simple: It is Brian and my baby. Caryn does not want it. Caryn and Carlos know and accept the risks of pregnancy. We are fully responsible for any financial needs that involve our baby. But take even just a normal pregnancy... walk through all the variations that could come up.... now add another couple to the mix... through in some extra emotional chaos from each individual party...I am guessing a little extra financial cost to make sure surrogate is happy and healthy... and just for laughs, make sure you can maintain a civil relationship because mother babysits surrogates children! Hahaha!!! We are all clear on what is going on, but I am so happy we have this contract to deal with any issues before they come up.


Suzanna said...

So does the contract give you permission to write your name on the birth certificate?

Unknown said...

Yes it does. California law is kind of confusing to me regarding all of that. That is why we went ahead and got a lawyer. I guess you have to file for paternity, and there is something else... I don't remember.