
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Retrieval Week: Day 3

Last night I took my last 2 injections. The HCG (trigger) injection was red! That was the scariest part. I have heard that it was going to be a worse injection then all the others, but other than the color, it was the same.

I got a call last night from the IVF coordinator from the clinic. She let me know that all of our tests came back normal. I am not sure if that included the one that tested if I was a carrier of anything. That is on my list of questions for tomorrow.

I was also told a little more info from my appointment yesterday. I have 19 follicles total in both ovaries. My lining is 13mm. This does not matter because the embryos will not be going in me, but interesting to know that I my lining would be cooperating if we needed it to. Anything over 10mm is ready for implant. Also, my estrogen level is 3700. I know that is not something that matters in my case, but again, interesting to know.

I had to go in this morning for another blood test to check my platelet count because of my liver issues. I will found out about results tomorrow.

I am getting really anxious! I can't believe we will be doing this in 12 hours!

After the retrieval, like I said before, I will not be able to drive home, so I will be staying here one more night. Friday morning we will find out how many eggs fertilized. Day 3 will be Sunday, and they will call with an update. Day 5 is Tuesday, and we will get an update on the status of the embryos. Also on day 5 they will biopsy each embryo that is still growing. Then it will take approximately 10-14 days to get those results back. At that point we will know how many embryos we have available.

That should be about the time that Caryn will be starting her medication regimen. Yay! So we are on schedule for in vitro at the end of November.

1 comment:

An Ivory Beauty said...

I am so glad everything is working out!